Thursday, 22 August 2019

A small update....

Ha - what a clever pun! The title I mean. No, not following? oh wait - this is about a new 6mm project I have started. Hence "small" update. Get it?! Hmmm explaining it probably doesn't improve the humour. Ah well nevermind!

So I got enticed by a Lardy Sale a good while back and picked up a set of the I Ain't Been Shot Mum rules (IABSM). Cautious not to just jump in I read up on it and checked out various blogs that touched on IABSM, and came to the conclusion that I wanted to do it in 6mm to match the ground scale, in some part due to regrets over not doing Chain of Command in 15mm (time will tell on that!)

I duly ordered some 6mm Baccus Brits and Germans - and when they arrived I had a bit of a panic that they were TOO SMALL for me to actually paint. I posted as much on twitter and was flooded (well for my usual posts it was flooded, for others perhaps a gentle lapping of replies!) but they gave lots of advice and explanations, all gratefully received.

The process or method I picked to go with was:

- Use a white or light primer, firstly it makes it easier to see but secondly it means the finished colour is lighter which is helpful at this scale/size. Apparently you want a slightly lighter/brighter finish.

Primed in cheap white spray paint

A close up, they are about the height of a fingernail. Well my fingernail anyway.

 - After a white primer (or light) use a wash to bring out the details and help you block paint

After a wash with Vallejo sepia and umber washes. Two shades used to see if the wash shade makes any difference.

They really are beautifully detailed for something so small!
- just paint the main blocks, uniform, helmets, weapon, flesh. Most things will be too small to notice unless there is a high contrast.

That is the uniform (vallejo English Uniform) painted in. Honest guv!
- Wash the final figures with Nut Brown ink

- You're painting a unit not an individual man so it is the general effect you look at rather than the individual paint job

As you can see with that in mind I cautiously primed and washed my first selection, British Infantry, LMGs and 2" mortars, about 10 lollipop sticks worth of troops! and my goodness doesn't it go quickly. I used two different washes just to see if there will be any great difference to the final product, one was a dark brown (Vallejo Umber wash) the other a lighter sepia shade (Vallejo Sepia wash).

It takes no time at all to apply a wash to them, and similarly to block in the uniforms, a few swishes of the brush and your on to the next chap. So far I have spent maybe 30-40min on them and I have 12x LMGs, 12x 2" Mortars and 96x Infantry. I'm hoping to get some time after work at some point or maybe this weekend to finish them off, which shouldn't take too long.

They aren't going to win prizes but I am happy with where they are going so far.

The following blogs and sites were fantastic resources when I was looking into the 6mm idea:

Derek's Blog limited posts on 6mm stuff but does have a bocage tutorial and also very helpful comments on the TFL forum under IABSM.

Mark Luther's stuff stunning 6mm terrain photos on Flikr and one thread on setting up a table.

Vis Lardica - Great for IABSM AARs and loads of IABSM info and advice both here and on TFL forum.

And one of the 6mm Maestros Per at Rollaone

Always on the look out for more 6mm resources so do drop me a comment if you have any corkers! and don't feel shy about showing off your own 6mm wonders!