Tuesday, 7 May 2019

The start of the Easter Dunsyston Sheep Flock

This weekend marked another first for me, and that is the beginning of a flock of sheep! We selected a black Shetland ewe with her first ewe lamb at foot, and a Ryeland Ewe with a Texel cross lamb at foot, her second.

They've settled in well over the bank holiday weekend although are still keen to sleep in the stables and munch grass around the "garden" rather than out in the fields! I'm sure they will work it out soon that the fields have much more available. Just now the Shetland lamb is not yet two weeks old so I'm happy having them come in at night just in case any foxes managed to get to her. With the horses living out and the pigs nearby I doubt any fox would be brave enough but not keen to take that chance just yet.

These will all be for breeding some new lambs for next spring. The idea being to keep any new ewe lambs and use the male lambs as meat wethers. We shall see how it goes and whether I get too attached to them!

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